Member News & Other Items of Interest
President, Pat Fenda and Grants Chair person, Patt Fosnaught attended the ribbon cutting ceremony of the Dunbar Magnet School’s new mural which Las Damas de Arte helped to sponsor along with the Gasparilla Festival of the Arts. Dunbar is a magnet school focusing on the medical arts so the mural consisted of the Dunbar name and a long red heart beat line running the length of the school building. Both Channels 13 and 10 were out to film this event, we were proud to be a part of this wonderful project and see our grant dollars in action.
The LDDA Opening Dinner was thoroughly enjoyed by a small group of members We were delighted by the wonderful food, a spectacular room and the sweet staff . We thank Elizabeth Craig, Private events Manager and to Sandra Hanna who connected us to a member of the Centre Club. Members present were
Pat Fenda Karen Wells Roberta Schofield
Amy Phillips Jeanne Paul Carol Gaynor
Pat Fosnaught Peggy Wattenbarger

Pat Fenda, President of LDDA at Member Artist, Susanne Nielsen's Opening at the Freedom Pavilion in Citrus Park Mall of the exhibit WOMEN OF THE BERLIN WALL: TWELVE DRESSES TWELVE STORIES. To learn more about this exhibit please visit http://susannenielsenarts.blogspot.com/2021/05/women-of-berlin-wall-twelve-dresses.html?m=1 This exhibit runs through July 4, 2021.

On Monday June 21, 2021, A small group of LDDA members went to the Tampa Museum of Art to see the Jasper Johns exhibit sponsored by The Walker Art Center of Minneapolis, Bank of America and Judi Kelly the LDDA Treasurer for 2020-2021. A good time was had by all.